Oasis Foundation is hiring a Developer Relations Manager - Here's What You Need To Know
Interested in pursuing a career In Developer Relations?

Henry Russell

Interested in pursuing a career In Developer Relations?
Henry Russell
The Oasis Foundation, creators of the world's first privacy-enabled blockchain platform, is looking for a talented Developer Relations Manager to join their growing team. Are you passionate about building communities and bringing the power of privacy to blockchain technology? Then this role might be for you.
According to the job description, in this role, you will play a pivotal role in:
Here are some of the key requirements for this role:
Additionally, the following experience would be a plus:
Curious about how to land a devrel (developer relations) job to begin with? ETH Denver had some interesting conversations around this topic in 2023.
If you are a passionate developer advocate who is excited about the future of privacy-preserving blockchain, this is the role for you.
Interested in applying to this role? Checkout the opportunity here.
Looking for other opportunities from Oasis? They have a full list of opportunities here.
Why join the Oasis Foundation? This is what they had to say on their website and in their documentation:
Additionally, here's what previous employees had to say about Oasis Foundation: